Couple of years ago, an “old friend” got me to start messing around with loops and samples. It’s SO not me, but you know what? Maybe it is. I’ve recorded lots and lots of little experiments, most of them short, crappy soundtracks to short, crappy movies (that haven’t been written. And shouldn’t be). I’ve written a few “proper tunes”, but most of the time, I come up with a groove, add some weird shit and peter out.
Recently, I got turned on to Marc Rebillet, aka Loop Daddy. When the (first) quarantine kicked in, Marc was doing a live stream every Sunday morning; he’d spend around two hours just making up beats and looping in percussion and layers of keyboards and then he’d start singing and rapping and he’s clever and musical and profane and funny as all get out. Sometimes, the tunes will turn out great, sometimes he really disappoints himself, but the point is, he just makes it up on the spot and lets it fly. Live, in front of thousands of people.
He’s been a huge inspiration to me.
I had already started writing songs, from start to finish, on airplanes and I had already written and recorded a song without getting out of bed. So hearing Marc has inspired me to just make shit up on the fly and not worry if it’s any good. It is quite unlike the experience of the dozens of other songs I’ve written, but they’re still me, a facet I didn’t even know existed. So, this slowly expanding little album of tunes will be filed under “my friend’s” name, the critically unclaimed Loop Granddaddy.
Please click the links below to listen to our work together 🙂
Your Little Love Song
Thought I Had a Chance
Dirty Girl
the Massk
For Mankind

Somewhere in New York, 1970s